Step 4 Agreement: OTDL Remedies and Application (1975)

1. When, for any reason, an employee on the "overtime Desired List, who has the necessary skills and who is available, is improperly passed over and another employee on the list is selected for overtime work out of rotation, the following shall apply: (a) An employee who was passed over shall, within ninety (90) days of the date the error is discovered., be given a similar make-up overtime opportunity for which he has the necessary skills; (b) Should no similar make- up overtime opportunity present itself within ninety (90) days subsequent to the discovery of the missed opportunity, the employee who was passed over shall be compensated at the overtime rate for a period equal to the opportunity missed .
2. When, for any reason, an employee on the "overtime Desired" list, who has the necessary skills and who is available, is improperly passed over and another employee not on the list is selected for overtime work, the employee who was passed over shall be paid for an equal number of hours at the overtime rate for the opportunity missed. 3. When a question arises as to the proper administration of the the "Overtime Desired" list at the local level, an APWU steward may have access to appropriate overtime records. 4. The foregoing principles are without prejudice to either party's position as to the proper interpretation of Article VIII, Section 5.

Document Type: Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number: AB-N-2476